Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Magazine Assembly and new words

Another annual magazine sale assembly has come and gone. Highlights include: 1) seeing kids gravitate to their group of friends even though they all sit with their class; 2) 8th graders actually "booing" their peers; 3) seeing that the marching baby plush pigs are back. And...we are told we get lots of money for our school from this fundraiser.

Lately invented several new words I'd like to share:

bitch-bully - a girl bully at middle school
spagufu - the new tofu spaghetti I found. No - stop laughing. I'm serious. And my four year old ate it and didn't even know. He he he (evil laugh of mom infusing protein in child's diet)

Okay, bye for now.
Never tell people if you see visions.


Steve said...

I hate the fund raisers where some third party gets the lions share and the school gets a few cents on the dollar. Just give money if it's a fund raiser and go subscribe to your own magazines elsewhere.

Bullying at the middle school has got to be a big issue.

Roger said...

It's funny that it all seems peculiarly related to way we got into the banking mess! I thought "Greed is good" was an 80s thing. They booed because they didn't get theirs! They booed because the money case was all ones! They booed because they didn't get the plush pig!